We are now offering ADOS Assessments.

Pepper Kids Therapy centers

ADOS Assessment

Child & Adolescent Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Assessment (ADOS-2)

Pepper Kids Therapy assessment services are calculated based on the standard hourly rate of


for speech pathologists and
occupational therapists


for psychologists.

The ADOS-2 assessment package includes:

  • Initial intake appointment (via telehealth)

    40 mins with parent/carer and one practitioner (60 mins billed to include preparation e.g. reading referral information/reports and clinical documentation)
  • Face-to-face clinical observation

    40 mins with parent/carer, one practitioner and child (60 mins billed to include preparation and clinical documentation)
  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

    2nd Edition (ADOS-2) 240 mins total - 60 mins in clinic appointment with two practitioners, parent/carer and child. 60 mins per practitioner for preparation, clinical documentation and analysis/interpretation of results.
  • *Further assessments if required

    (additional assessment costs apply – to be discussed with client where recommended)
  • Reporting on assessment findings

    180 mins by one practitioner
  • Face-to-face appointment with parent/carer to explain assessment results

    60 mins in-clinic appointment with parent/carer and one practitioner (via telehealth if preferred)

Total number of hours: 10 hrs

Total cost:  $1,939.90   (based on OT & SP)

Pepper Kids Therapy centers
Pepper Kids TherapyPepper Kids TherapyPepper Kids Therapy


Further Assessments if required*

This service is suitable for individuals who would like to receive a bespoke comprehensive functional assessment in addition to the ADOS-2 assessment. As appropriate to the individual’s need, a comprehensive assessment can be conducted to inform therapy goals, support recommendations, and/or funding application or review.

In addition to the ADOS-2 assessment package detailed above, further discipline-specific assessments (costed separately at the hourly rate of $193.99 or $214.41) may consist of:

Psychology Assessment (if required)

This will be individualised to the client's needs and may include cognitive assessment, mental health-related assessment, behaviour assessment, ADHD assessment, executive functioning assessment, etc.

Speech Pathology Assessment (if required)

This will be individualised to the client's needs and may include speech and language assessment, literacy assessment, social communication assessment, feeding/swallowing assessment, etc.

Occupational Therapy Assessment (if required)

This this will be individualised to the client's needs and may include functional assessment (including independence/participation in self-care, school and leisure activities), sensory processing assessment, fine and gross motor assessment, etc.

Liaison with External Professionals (if required)

This will be individualised to the client's needs and may include clinical observations of the child in the school/childcare/home/community settings, as well liaison with external professionals including medical and allied health professionals and education providers.

*Practitioners can provide clinic, home or community-based assessments as suitable (travel costs apply).

Cost: Discipline-specific assessments and reporting are all costed at an hourly rate of $193.99 or $214.41, depending on the practitioner/s involved.

For all Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnostic assessment requests, it is recommended that clients access a paediatrician/psychiatrist and GP to obtain a suitable referral. With client consent, assessment findings will be provided to their treating doctor/s for follow up and further recommendations.

It is recommended that you discuss with your paediatrician/psychiatrist if your child may be eligible for Medicare rebates for ASD diagnostic assessment under the Helping Children with Autism program. Referrals must be made by a paediatrician/psychiatrist (not a GP) to be eligible for the Helping Children with Autism Medicare rebates. Please refer to further details below:

Under the Helping Children with Autism program, a child can be referred by a consultant paediatrician or psychiatrist for the following allied health services:

  • up to four diagnostic / assessment services from psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, audiologists, optometrists, orthoptists or physiotherapists to assist the referring practitionerwith diagnosis or to contribute to a child’s treatment and management plan (for a child under 13 years of age).


Please note, diagnostic guidelines state that a paediatrician or child psychiatrist must formalise an autism diagnosis, therefore completed reports generated by this assessment package will need to be taken to the paediatrician or child psychiatrist for a final review and formal diagnosis if suitable. This package is also available for individuals requiring a review of their diagnosis or to determine a level under DSM-5.

The assessment team is available to answer and clarify any assessment queries clients may have.

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