Fiona Hansen
Senior Occupational Therapist & Team Leader
Fiona is a Senior Occupational Therapist & Team Leader at our Eight Mile Plains clinic. She has worked as an OT for over 25 years, working predominantly in community and education settings. She has experience working with children of all ages and with a variety of diagnoses and needs. Fiona has been a long time advocate and practitioner of family centred practice (completing her OT Masters Project in this area) and enjoys working alongside the child and family. She also enjoys working collaboratively with OT’s, speech pathologists, psychologists and physiotherapists. Fiona is a lifelong learner and in 2022 completed a Masters of Sensory Disability with a primary focus on deaf and hard of hearing children. Fiona’s areas of interest & experience include: Fiona has completed the following notable Professional Development courses: Outside of work, Fiona enjoys spending time with her family, pets and friends, keeping fit, gardening and spending time at the beach!